Now showing items 11-18 of 18
Path integral approach for superintegrable potentials on spaces of non-constant curvature: II. Darboux spaces DIII and DIV
This is the second paper on the path integral approach of superintegrable systems on Darboux spaces, spaces of non-constant curvature. We analyze five and four superintegrable potentials in the spaces D III and D IV, ...
Integrabilidade algébrica de folheações holomorfas e o problema de Poincaré
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2010-05-28)
G. Darboux presented , in [32], a theory on the existence of first integrals for polynomial difierential equations based on the existence of suficiently many invariant algebraic hypersurfaces. Concomitantly H. Poincaré, ...
Sobre distribuição e folheações holomorfas de codimensão maior do que um
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2010-10-14)
Let w be a holomorphic LDS r-form on a complex manifold M. In the case M = Cn, we show that if ker(w) admits a trivial subbundle of rank k, then there exists a holomrphic LDS (r - k)-form n on Cn such that ! is the exterior ...
Path integral approach for superintegrable potentials on spaces of non-constant curvature: II. Darboux spaces DIII and DIV
This article deals with the representations of foreign students who take part of exchange programs in Guadalajara, about themselves as performers of their own training process and about the learning environment as well. ...
Análisis de estabilidad global de puntos de Nash en un modelo de oligopolio
(Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, 2022-10)
The objective of this document was to identify if the equilibrium points in the Cournot oligopoly system are Nash points with global stability, this extends the result in the literature “The phase space structure of the ...
The center problem for a 1 : -4 resonant quadratic system
(Academic Press/ElsevierSan Diego, 2014-12-15)
The main objective of this paper is to find necessary and sufficient conditions for a 1 : −4 resonant system of the form 'X PONTO' = x − 'A IND.10' 'X POT.2' − 'A IND.01' xy − 'A IND.12' 'Y POT.2', 'Y PONTO' = −4y + 'B ...
Lineamientos para el ordenamiento territorial costero y marino del departamento de La Guajira desde la diversidad cultural.
(Universidad de la GuajiraColombia, 2020)
Este libro es un enorme esfuerzo de investigación transdisciplinaria, y se destaca tanto por su complejidad, como por su pertinencia para responder a los problemas acuciantes de la región y es, verdaderamente, un aporte ...