Now showing items 11-20 of 7958
Democracia consolidada e tamanho do Estado
(Editora 34, 2014-03-01)
Consolidated democracy and size of the State. Common sense suggests that the more consolidated democracies and advanced economies tend to be more efficient and produce smaller States. What is observed in practice, however, ...
The State as Part of the Republic
The State as Part of the Republic The main objective of this article is to analyze an ideal of civic life, the Republic, based on the form of the sovereign state. Historically, the convergence between Republic and sovereign ...
Setting the Comparative Agenda: Territorially Uneven Democratization Processes in Large Federations
(Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016)
This chapter offers a comparative historical analysis of the nature and scope of variations in political rights at the subnational level in the worlds six largest federal democracies--Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and the ...
Domestic military missions in Latin America: Civil-military relations and the perpetuation of democratic deficits
Latin American militaries are today in many regards inoperative and obsolete as an instrument of defence. Yet, they seek to maintain their organisational power and privileges. Governments, on the other hand, lack the ...
El presente ensayo se ocupa de presentar, para el análisis y la discusión, un conjunto de conceptos sociopolíticos estudiados, extractados, sintetizados o construidos en el intervalo 1973-2005, y aplicables —especialmente— ...
Democracy in the Inter-American System: A Look into the Inter-American Democratic Charter Sixteen Years after its AdoptionLa Democracia en el Sistema Interamericano: Una Aproximación a la Carta Democrática Interamericana a Dieciséis Años de su Adopción
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018)
A participação da comunidade na consolidação da gestão escolar democrática
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Educação, 2012-12-08)
This research is directed to the relationship between management and democratic
participation of the school community, based on the precepts education proposed in the Federal
Constitution of 1988, as well as in Law ...
Devido processo constitucional e a (in)efetividade das garantias processuais nos processos administrativos militares pós-1988: estado democrático de direito ou estado de exceção?
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2012-06-27)
The arbitrariness in administrative disciplinary military proceedings are a phenomenon that hás manifested itself in military institutions after the Constitution of 1988. Violations as: due process of law, legality, state ...