Now showing items 31-40 of 205
Cyclic and Torsional Fatigue Resistance of Reciprocating Single Files Manufactured by Different Nickel-titanium Alloys
(Elsevier B.V., 2017-07-01)
Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the cyclic and torsional fatigue resistance of the following reciprocating single-file systems: ProDesign R 25.06 (Easy Equipamentos Odontologicos, Belo Horizonte, Brazil), ...
Temperature and grain size effects on the behavior of CuAlBe SMA wires under cyclic loading
(ELSEVIER, 2008-11-25)
This study evaluates the properties of a superelastic CuAlBe shape memory alloy under cyclic loading to assess its potential for applications in seismic resistant design. Wires phi = 0.5 mm, previously heated during different ...
Resistance to impact of cross-linked denture base biopolymer materials: Effect of relining, glass flakes reinforcement and cyclic loading
(Elsevier B.V., 2014-09-01)
Aims: The effect of reinforcement and cyclic loading on the resistance to impact (RI) of denture base biopolymer materials was evaluated using Charpy (C) and falling-weight (FW) impact tests.Methods: Bar-shaped (60 x 6 x ...
Cyclic-loading of the human gracilis and semitendinosus muscle tendons: Study of young adult cadavers
(Blackwell PublishingOxfordInglaterra, 2006)
Efeito do carregamento cíclico sobre as propriedades de flexão de painéis comerciais de MDF e MDPCyclic loading effect on the flexural properties of commercial MDF and particleboard panels
(UFLA - Universidade Federal de Lavras, 2011)
Conduziu-se este trabalho, com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito fadiga por meio de diferentes ciclos de carregamento (20.000, 40.000 e 80.000 ciclos) na deformação e nas propriedades de flexão estática de painéis comerciais ...
Air-particle abrasion on zirconia ceramic using different protocols: Effects on biaxial flexural strength after cyclic loading, phase transformation and surface topography
This study evaluated the effect of different air-particle abrasion protocols on the biaxial flexural strength and structural stability of zirconia ceramics. Zirconia ceramic specimens (ISO 6872) (Lava, 3M ESPE) were obtained ...
Influence of the foundation substrate on the fatigue behavior of bonded glass, zirconia polycrystals, and polymer infiltrated ceramic simplified CAD-CAM restorations
This study evaluated the influence of distinct substrates on the mechanical fatigue behavior of adhesively cemented simplified restorations made of glass, polycrystalline or polymer infiltrated-ceramics. CAD/CAM ceramic ...
The impact of restorative material and ceramic thickness on CAD\CAM endocrowns
Background: Endocrown restorations as a conservative approach to restore endodontically treated teeth still need an in vitro investigation under fatigue at different materials. This study evaluated the effect of restorative ...
The Effect Of Casting And Masticatory Simulation On Strain And Misfit Of Implant-supported Metal Frameworks