Now showing items 11-20 of 2382
Implementing innovations in higher education is a highly chal-lenging process, due to multiple causes. Underestimating the pur-poses of innovation without considering the teaching staff that implements it can generate ...
Ergonomics intervention project in undergraduate physical therapy program. A curricular innovation approach
(Springer Verlag, 2018)
Competency-based education in ergonomics was incorporated into the physical therapy undergraduate educational program in the University of Chile in 2009 in conjunction with the construction of the graduation profile. The ...
Evaluación del clima educacional durante el proceso de renovación curricular en enfermeríaEvaluation of the educational climate during the process of curricular renewal in Nursing
(FEM. Revista de la Fundación Educación Médica, 2020)
Evaluación del clima educacional durante el proceso de renovación curricular en enfermeríaEvaluation of the educational climate during the process of curricular renewal in Nursing
(FEM. Revista de la Fundación Educación Médica, 2020)
Apropriação do discurso de inovação curricular em química por professores do ensino médiio
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2003-05-19)
The aim of this investigation is to analyze how secondary school teachers appropriate the chemistry curricular innovation discourse. The study is based on interviews carried out with 12 teachers who have taken part in the ...
(Instituto Especializado de Profesionales de la Salud, El Salvador, 2022)
On Accreditation in Arts. A review of the processes of curricular innovation in the Faculty of Arts of Universidad de Chile.Sobre la Acreditación en las Artes. Una lectura de los procesos de innovación curricular en la Facultad de Artes de la Universidad de Chile
(Universidad Católica del Uruguay, 2021)
Competencias en educación: Ideas para el diseño curricular desde la deliberación práctica y crítica, basada en el desarrollo humano y la transformación socialCompetences in Education: Curricular Design Ideas from Critical and Practical-Deliberation based on Human Development and Social Transformation
(Centro de Investigación y Docencia en Educación (CIDE), 2011)