Now showing items 1-10 of 38877
The AMMI analysis and graphing the biplot
(CIMMYT, 2012)
Special software for computing the special functions of wave catastrophes
(Centro de Investigaciones en Matemática Pura y Aplicada (CIMPA) y Escuela de Matemática, San José, Costa Rica., 2015)
Métodos de Ordenación Básicos
This presentation outlines the basic sorting methods: selection sort, insertion sort and bubble sort. The approach, an example and an overview of the algorithm is presented for each one of them.
Aplicacao de metodo computacional para representacao de relevo pelo metodo de Wentworth
This piece of work focuses the application of a computational method to obtain clinographic maps, by using C.K. Wentworth's method. The developed program to construct the clinographic maps is completely structured in Basic ...
Aplicacao de metodo computacional para representacao de relevo pelo metodo de Wentworth
This piece of work focuses the application of a computational method to obtain clinographic maps, by using C.K. Wentworth's method. The developed program to construct the clinographic maps is completely structured in Basic ...
Psychometric computational thinking test
(Association for Computing Machinery, 2018)
The recent widespread popularity of computational thinking (CT) has raised the need for a reliable method for assessing it. Recent CT tests focus on programming skills rather than the analytical ability and problem-solving ...
A Parallel Finite Element Program on a Beowulf Cluster
(Elsevier, 2002-12)
Some experiences on writing a parallel finite element code on a Beowulf cluster are shown. This cluster is made up of seven Pentium III processors connected by Fast Ethernet. The code was written in Cþþ making use of MPI ...
Toward A Taxonomy Of Malware Behaviors