Now showing items 21-30 of 112
Explicit solution for a two-phase fractional Stefan problem with a heat flux condition at the fixed face
(Springer, 2018-03)
A generalized Neumann solution for the two-phase fractional Lamé–Clapeyron–Stefan problem for a semi-infinite material with constant initial temperature and a particular heat flux condition at the fixed face is obtained, ...
Mathematical Analysis of a Cauchy Problem for the Time-Fractional Diffusion-Wave Equation with α∈ (0 , 2)
(Springer, 2018-04)
This paper deals with a theoretical mathematical analysis of a Cauchy problem for the time-fractional diffusion-wave equation in the upper half-plane, x∈ R, t∈ R+, where the Caputo fractional derivative of order α∈ (0 , ...
Weighted hypergeometric functions and fractional derivative
(Springer OpenModelación con Ecuaciones DiferencialesEstados Unidos, 2021)
Métodos numéricos para problemas no locales de evoluciónNumerical methods for non-local evolution problems
This work introduces and analyzes a finite element scheme forevolution problems involving fractional-in-time and in-space differentiation operators up to order two. The left-sided fractional-order derivative in time ...
Undergraduate teaching of evolution in Chile: More than natural selection
(Sociedad de Biologia de Chile, 2005)
A numerical method for solving Caputo’s and Riemann-Liouville’s fractional differential equations which includes multi-order fractional derivatives and variable coefficients
(Grupo de Manejo Eficiente de la Energía (GIMEL)Medellín, Colombia, 2020)
NMR chemical shielding and spin-spin coupling constants of liquid NHȝ: a systematic investigation using the sequential QM/MM method
(American Chemical Society, 2009-09)
The NMR spin coupling parameters, ¹J(N,H) and ²J(H,H), and the chemical shielding, σ(15N), of liquid ammonia are studied from a combined and sequential QM/MM methodology. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to generate ...
Human DNA degradation assessment and male DNA detection by quantitative-PCR followed by high-resolution melting analysis
(Elsevier Ireland, 2019-02)
We developed a q-PCR technique that simultaneously evaluates the extent of degradation and determines the gender of a human DNA donor. QYDEG HRM is a triplex real-time PCR whose products are analysed by high-resolution ...