Now showing items 21-30 of 722
Phenotypic selection under two contrasting environments in wild and crop-wild hybrid sunflower
(Ecological Society of America, 2019)
Hybridization is common in plants and can lead to the introgression of alleles from one population into another, generate new hybrid lineages, or cause species extinction. The environment and genetic background can influence ...
Unravelling quinoa domestication with wild ancestors
(CABI, 2016)
This chapter approaches quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) domestication asking three questions: (1) What do we know about quinoa genetic structure, relations among related species and phylogenetics?, (2) What is known about ...
Hunting as the main technique used to control wild pigs in Brazil
Wild pigs (Sus scrofa) have expanded their range in Brazil since late 1980s, with reports of damage becoming more frequent in recent years. In 2013, use of lethal methods for wild pig control was legalized by the federal ...
Potential Uses of Wild Germplasms of Grain Legumes for Crop Improvement
Challenged by population increase, climatic change, and soil deterioration, crop improvement is always a priority in securing food supplies. Although the production of grain legumes is in general lower than that of cereals, ...
Genome size variation in natural populations of wild potato species from west Argentina
(National Research Council Canada-NRC Research Press, 2020-10)
Wild potato species (Solanum, section Petota) have great ecological adaptability and represent essential genetic resources for the improvement of the third most important food crop worldwide. From more than one-hundred ...
Broadening the Variability for Peanut Breeding with a Wild Species-Derived Induced Allotetraploid
(Mdpi, 2020-12-01)
The use of wild species in peanut breeding provides remarkable opportunities for introducing new traits to the peanut crop and it has increased in recent years. Here, we report the morphological and agronomic, including ...
Crop-wild sunflower hybridization can mediate weediness throughout growth-stress tolerance trade-offs
Agricultural weeds are plants well-adapted to agricultural environments interfering directly and indirectly with crop production and causing important economic losses worldwide. Crop-wild hybridization is one of the main ...
Environmentally induced phenotypic plasticity and DNA methylation changes in a wild potato growing in two contrasting Andean experimental gardens
(Nature Publishing Group, 2021-01)
DNA methylation can be environmentally modulated and plays a role in phenotypic plasticity. To understand the role of environmentally induced epigenetic variation and its dynamics in natural populations and ecosystems, it ...
Ex situ conservation priorities for the peruvian wild tomato species (Solanum L. Sect. Lycopersicum (Mill.) Wettst)
(Universidad Nacional Agraria La MolinaPerú, 2019-10-23)
Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is a crop of global importance that has center of origin in Peru, with 11 species of wild relatives (CWR) occurring in the country. These CWR contain genetic material that could be used to ...