Now showing items 21-30 of 2304
Meio de cultura e tipo de explante no estabelecimento in vitro de espécies de maracujazeiro
Brazil is one of the main centers of genetic variability dispersion of the Passiflora genera. Its self incompatibility as well as disease incidence in its leaves and root system and, deforestation and monocultivation, ...
Meio de cultura e tipo de explante no estabelecimento in vitro de espécies de maracujazeiro
Brazil is one of the main centers of genetic variability dispersion of the Passiflora genera. Its self incompatibility as well as disease incidence in its leaves and root system and, deforestation and monocultivation, ...
Are we losing sight of insect biological control in cyberspace?¿Estamos perdiendo de vista el control biológico de insectos en el ciberespacio?
(Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Universidad Austral de Chile, 2018)