Now showing items 31-40 of 14589
Pseudo Random Network Coding in Infrastructure to Vehicle Environment for Data Download
This paper introduces a new approach for infrastructure based content distribution in a vehicular network. It is built on broadcasting and pseudo random network coding. Its main strength is that, being broadcast based, it ...
Lattices from abelian extensions and error-correcting codes
A construction of laminated lattices of full diversity in odd dimensions d with 3 ≤ d ≤ 15 is presented. The technique, which uses a combination of number fields and error-correcting codes, consists essentially of two ...
The proportionality of crime and punishment on children gradual criminal liability
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Experimental QR code optical encryption: noise-free data recovering
(Optical Society Of America, 2014-05)
We report, to our knowledge for the first time, the experimental implementation of a quick response (QR) code as a “container” in an optical encryption system. A joint transform correlator architecture in an interferometric ...
Funciones discursivas del latín: code-switching en textos de medicina españoles
En este artículo se exponen los rasgos del code-switching del latín/español en textos de medicina españoles de la Edad Media y de la España renacentista y se exploran los usos de esta mezcla. En primer lugar se revisan los ...