Now showing items 31-40 of 867
Hyperinflation: Inflation tax and economic policy regimeHyperinflation: Inflation tax and economic policy regime
(Sociedade Brasileira de Econometria, 2002)
Brazilian indexing and inertial inflation: evidence from time-varying estimates of an inflation transfer function
(Escola de Pós-Graduação em Economia da FGV, 1986)
This paper is a theoretica1 and empirica1 study of the re1ationship between indexing po1icy and feedback mechanisms in the inflationary adjustment process in Brazil. The focus of our study is on two policy issues: (1) did ...
Monetary policy with a volatile exchange rate: The case of Brazil since 1999
(Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., 2015)
This paper describes and analyzes Brazilian monetary policy since the beginning of inflation targeting, in 1999. The main hypothesis of the paper is that inflation targeting emerged as the best macroeconomic policy in ...
Taylor rule in Brazil
In this paper, we use the Taylor Rule to characterize empirically the Brazilian monetary policy before and after its major and succesful stabilization plan, Real Plan, launched in 1994. Specifically, we show how the inflation ...
Taylor rule in Brazil
In this paper, we use the Taylor Rule to characterize empirically the Brazilian monetary policy before and after its major and succesful stabilization plan, Real Plan, launched in 1994. Specifically, we show how the inflation ...