Now showing items 11-20 of 1171
Hybrid material based on an amorphous-carbon matrix and ZnO/Zn for the solar photocatalytic degradation of basic blue 41
Innovative composites based on an amorphous-carbon matrix containing a second phase ZnO oxide and/or highly dispersed Zn metallic were synthesized via a modified Pechini route, in which a partial pyrolysis method was ...
Factors influencing organic carbon accumulation in mangrove ecosystems
(Royal Society Publishing, 2018)
There is growing interest in the capacity of mangrove ecosystems to sequester and store 'blue carbon'. Here, we provide a synthesis of 66 dated sediment cores with previously calculated carbon accumulation rates in mangrove ...
Seagrass organic carbon stocks show minimal variation over short time scales in a heterogeneous subtropical seascape
Blue carbon initiatives require accurate monitoring of carbon stocks. We examined sources of variability in seagrass organic carbon (Corg) stocks, contrasting spatial with short temporal scales. Seagrass morphology and ...
Electrochemical study of o-toluidine blue impregnated in mesoporous silica channels
(Springer, 2011-07-01)
This paper reports an electrochemical study of ordered mesoporous silica impregnated with a cationic dye (o-toluidine blue), prepared with a non-ionic surfactant as the structure-directing agent. O-toluidine blue was chosen ...
Preliminary electrochemical study of phenothiazines and phenoxazines immobilized on zirconium phosphate
(Elsevier Science Sa LausanneLausanneSuíça, 1997)
Amperometric biosensor for lactate based on lactate dehydrogenase and Meldola Blue coimmobilized on multi-wall carbon-nanotube
(Elsevier Science SaLausanneSuíça, 2007)
Amperometric biosensor for ethanol based on co-immobilization of alcohol dehydrogenase and Meldola's Blue on multi-wall carbon nanotube
(Pergamon-elsevier Science LtdOxfordInglaterra, 2006)
Determination of phenolic compounds based on co-immobilization of methylene blue and HRP on multi-wall carbon nanotubes
(Wiley-v C H Verlag GmbhWeinheimAlemanha, 2007)
Is the poly (methylene blue)-modified glassy carbon electrode an adequate electrode for the simple detection of thiols and amino acid-based molecules?
(Elsevier Science SaLausanneSuíça, 2012)