Now showing items 11-20 of 67
Efficacy of a fixed combination of 0.09 % xanthan gum/0.1 % chondroitin sulfate preservative free vs polyethylene glycol/propylene glycol in subjects with dry eye disease: a multicenter randomized controlled trial
Background: Dry eye disease (DED) is multifactorial, affecting 5-34 % of the global adult population and reducing quality of life. The artificial tears or lubricants are the therapy most used for the treatment of DED, due ...
Efectividad del suero autólogo comparado con lágrimas artificiales en el tratamiento de ojo seco moderado, en pacientes atendidos en el hospital Belén de Trujillo, durante el periodo Julio 2013 – Junio 2014
(Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego - UPAO, 2015)
Determinar y comparar la efectividad del suero autólogo frente a lágrimas artificiales en el tratamiento de ojo seco según test de Schirmer, TBUT y OSDI. Material y Métodos. Se realizó un estudio analítico, observacional ...
Low-level laser therapy in pediatric bell's palsy: Case report in a three-year-old child
Objectives: The objective of this study was to apply low-level laser therapy (LLLT) to accelerate the recovery process of a child patient with Bell's palsy (BP). Design: This was a prospective study. Subject: The subject ...
Low-level laser therapy in pediatric bell's palsy: Case report in a three-year-old child
Objectives: The objective of this study was to apply low-level laser therapy (LLLT) to accelerate the recovery process of a child patient with Bell's palsy (BP). Design: This was a prospective study. Subject: The subject ...
O lúdico político em Civilization VI
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilFAE - FACULDADE DE EDUCAÇÃOPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação - Conhecimento e Inclusão SocialUFMG, 2020-02-18)
This study sought to contribute to the discussion on ludic in contemporary society
mediated by the complexity of digital. In this sense, we start from the premise that ludic
is a pertinent element for understanding ...
Estratégia de modelagem da tarefa de programação reativa da produção
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação - PPGCC, 2009-08-28)
Aiming at improving competitive advantage, organizations in general have been giving more attention to knowledge engineering, as well as its techniques and methods to acquire and represent knowledge already in place. This ...
Efectividad de la Azitromicina tópica en el tratamiento de la Blefaritis posterior
(Universidad Nacional de TrujilloPE, 2020)
La blefaritis posterior es un tipo específico de blefaritis crónica y difusa que afecta a las glándulas de Meibomio, asociado a menudo con la obstrucción del conducto terminal de la glándula, lo que produce alteraciones ...