Now showing items 21-30 of 3373
Combination of an anaerobic process with O(3), UV and O(3)/UV for cellulose pulp bleaching effluent treatment
Recent studies have shown that partial oxidation by advanced oxidation processes (AOP) is able to transform hard-to-degrade compounds and increase their biodegradability. In this work, anaerobic treatment was followed by ...
Electrocoagulation/flotation followed by fluidized bed anaerobic reactor applied to tannery effluent treatment
(Desalination Publ, 2012-01-01)
A series operation of electrocoagulation/flotation (ECF) and fluidized bed anaerobic reactor (FBR) was conducted to treat tannery wastewater. Although both reactors were operated in fill-and-draw (batch) mode, effluent ...
Electrocoagulation/flotation followed by fluidized bed anaerobic reactor applied to tannery effluent treatment
A series operation of electrocoagulation/flotation (ECF) and fluidized bed anaerobic reactor (FBR) was conducted to treat tannery wastewater. Although both reactors were operated in fill- and-draw (batch) mode, effluent ...
Electrocoagulation/flotation followed by fluidized bed anaerobic reactor applied to tannery effluent treatment
(Desalination Publ, 2012-01-01)
A series operation of electrocoagulation/flotation (ECF) and fluidized bed anaerobic reactor (FBR) was conducted to treat tannery wastewater. Although both reactors were operated in fill-and-draw (batch) mode, effluent ...
Acidic and thermal pre-treatments for anaerobic digestion inoculum to improve hydrogen and volatile fatty acid production using xylose as the substrate
Xylose is a by-product of lignocellulosic biomass processing for production of second-generation biofuels and could be suitable for bioproduct manufacturing. This paper describes an innovative approach that enables the ...
Evaluation of the recirculation process of aerobic sludge from a percolating biological filter in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket digestion reactor, with characterization of sludge solids
In this work, the sustainability indicators from a sewage treatment plant in a Southern Brazilian city, with a combined system of anaerobic treatment by upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor and aerobic treatment ...
Characterization of the biomass of a hybrid anaerobic reactor (HAR) with two types of support material during the treatment of the coffee wastewater
(Instituto de Tecnologia do Paraná - Tecpar, 2017)
Resistance of diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid to anaerobic biodegradation
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, 2005)
Coagulation-flocculation of anaerobically treated sugarcane stillage
Anaerobic digestion applied to stillage usually results in treatment performances. However, effluents from anaerobic reactors still present a residual polluting load due to the presence of organic recalcitrant compounds. ...