Now showing items 11-20 of 3373
Biodegradability and toxicity assessment of bleach plant effluents treated anaerobically
As part of an experimental project on the treatment of bleach plant effluents the results of biodegradability and toxicity assessment of effluents from a bench-scale horizontal anaerobic immobilized bioreactor (HAIB) are ...
Anaerobic treatment of sulfate-rich wastewater in an anaerobic sequential batch reactor (AnSBR) using butanol as the carbon source
Biological sulfate reduction was studied in a laboratory-scale anaerobic sequential batch reactor (14 L) containing mineral coal for biomass attachment. The reactor was fed industrial wastewater with increasingly high ...
Studies on technical and economical feasibility of digesters anaerobic-aerobic-anox to sewage treatment, water reuse and use of biogas
This paper evaluates technically and economically a miniSST (mini station of sewage treatment) by anaerobic-aerobic-anoxious process, associated to the utilization of biogas produced and utilization of treated sewage to ...
Thermal characterization of anaerobic sludges from wastewater treatments applied to biological generation of H2
A wide variety of organic residues may be used as energy source such as anaerobic sludge from wastewater treatment systems. However, due to inherent differences in composition, the proper characterization of these biomasses ...
Kinetic studies on the anaerobic degradation of soluble and particulate matter in potato wastewater
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2012-05)
The anaerobic degradation of particulate-containing potato processing wastewater using a mixed culture from an industrial anaerobic wastewater treatment plant as inoculum was characterised and modelled. Anaerobic digestion ...
Heat and anaerobic treatments affected physiological and biochemical parameters in tomato fruits
The aim of the present work was to evaluate the effect of thermal and anaerobic treatments on physiological and biochemical parameters in a variety of tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Colt 45). Treatments applied ...
Biotrickling Filtration of Biogas Produced from the Wastewater Treatment Plant of a Brewery
The performance of a lab-scale biotrickling filter treating H2S from biogas produced from an upflow anaerobic sludge bed reactor of the wastewater-treatment plant of a brewery was evaluated. A sulfide-oxidizing culture ...