Now showing items 11-20 of 492
Agrobiodiversity in mountain territories: family farming and the challenges of social-environmental changes
(Springer, 2023)
Family farming plays a fundamental role in food production. However, it faces rapid processes of social-environmental change, such as the application of hegemonic agrarian modernization policies and restrictions on the ...
Maintenance of Manioc Diversity by Traditional Farmers in the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil: A 20-Year Comparison
(Springer, 2013-12-01)
Maintenance of Manioc Diversity by Traditional Farmers in the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil: A 20-Year Comparison. Few studies discuss agrobiodiversity in the Brazilian savanna, which is believed to be the geographical ...
Lista Oficial de Variedades Comerciales 2009
La Lista Oficial de Variedades Comerciales 2009 incluye las variedades comerciales que pueden utilizarse en el cumplimiento de los planes tecnicos econ6micos de la actividad agricola y forestal. The Official List of ...
Animales de Granja en Cuba, 2010
Compilación de Animales de Granja en Cuba, 2010, realizada a solicitud del Centro Nacional de Biodiversidad, CENBio