Now showing items 41-50 of 9003
Analysis of energy end-use efficiency policy in Spain
(Elsevier Ltd, 2017)
Implementing a CSME Community Agricultural Policy: issues, options and process
(Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), 2009)
The contents of this publication include perspectives on the issue of a community agriculture
policy in CARICOM, the full paper on Issues, Options and Process for Implementing the CSME
Community Agriculture Policy (CCAP), ...
IICA's action strategy 1988-89 Dominican
(Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), 1988)
The document attempts to indicate the major problems facing agricultural development in Dominica and those actions which can be undertaken by the government to address them. It represents the first attempt at preparing the ...
Policy Forum on SIMLESA
(CIMMYT, 2016)
Environmental Policies for Agricultural Pollution Control, de J.S. Shortle y D. Abler (editores)Environmental Policies for Agricultural Pollution Control, de J.S. Shortle y D. Abler (editores)Environmental Policies for Agricultural Pollution Control, de J.S. Shortle y D. Abler (editores)J.S. Shortle y D. Abler (editores), Environmental Policies for Agricultural Pollution Control
(Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, 2009)
Good policies. A prerequisite for good agriculture
(IICA, 2005)
Appeals to the youth, rural women, indigenous people and educators, urging them to enable the success of a new agriculture by getting involved with farmers, scientists, universities, ministries of agriculture and development ...
The new canadian agricultural policy. In search for a more prosperous, competitive, and innovative agricultural sector
The Growing Forward Framework Agreement (GFFA) laid the groundwork for coordinated federal-provincial-territorial (FPT) action over five years (2008 to 2012) to help Canadian agriculture become more prosperous, competitive, ...