Now showing items 1-10 of 117
Three-dimensional hydrodynamic model for wind-driven circulation
(Springer, 2018-01-30)
Tides and wind-driven circulation in the tropical and Southern Atlantic Ocean: the BRAZCOAST system
(Institute of Atmospheric PhysicsBeijing, 2014)
The Brazilian coast is characterized by different
tidal regimes and distinct meteorological influences.
The northern part has larger tidal amplitudes and is
permanently affected by trade winds and tropical disturbances;
the ...
Coastal and shelf circulation in the vicinity of Camamu Bay (14 degrees S), Eastern Brazilian Shelf
The Camamu Bay (CMB) is located on the narrowest shelf along the South American coastline and close to the formation of two major Western Boundary Currents (WBC), the Brazil/North Brazil Current (BC/NBC). These WBC flow ...
The seasonal circulation of the Eastern Brazilian shelf between 10??S and 16??S: A modelling approach
(Continental Shelf Research, 2013)
Ocean circulation along the southern Chile transition region (38°–46°S): Mean, seasonal and interannual variability, with a focus on 2014–2016
(Elsevier Ltd, 2019)
© 2019 The AuthorsSatellite and atmospheric model fields are used to describe the wind forcing, surface ocean circulation, temperature and chlorophyll-a pigment concentrations along the coast of southern Chile in the ...
The seasonal circulation of the Eastern Brazilian shelf between 10°S and 16°S: A modelling approach
(Continental Shelf Research, 2013)
The Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS) with embedded nesting capabilities based on AGRIF, configured with a refined grid (1/36°) and realistic forcings (6-hourly winds and surface fluxes, daily large scale oceanic ...