Now showing items 1-10 of 229
The persistence of the Andean vision of death in the viceroyalty of PeruLa persistencia de la visión andina de la muerte en el virreinato del Perú
(Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, 1996)
Materiality between art, science, and culture in the viceroyalties (16th-17th Centuries): An interdisciplinary vision toward the writing of a New Colonial art history
(Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2017-05)
The seminar “Materiality between Art, Science, and Culture in the Viceroyalties” brought together art historians, conservators, and conservation scientists to analyze the art of the Spanish viceroyalties from the sixteenth ...
Genoeses in Lima at the end of the viceroyaltyGenoveses en Lima a finales del virreinato
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018)
"Casadas dos veces". Mujeres e inquisidores ante el delito de bigamia femenina en el Virreinato del Perú (siglos XVI-XVII)"Casadas dos veces". Women and inquisitors facing the crime of female bigamy, in the Viceroyalty of Peru (16th and 17th)
(Sección Etnohistoria, Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas. FFyL, UBA, 2017)
Sculptors and sculptures in the Viceroyalty of Peru at the beginning of the Baroque periodEscultores y esculturas en el Virreinato de Perú a comienzos del Barroco
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018)
El poder modelador de la naturaleza: terremotos y tsunamis en Arica durante el siglo XVII
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2021)
License to pretend: The limits of poetic fiction in the Viceroyalty of Peru. The trial against Pedro de Oña's Arauco domado (Lima, 1596)LICENCIA PARA FINGIR: LOS LÍMITES DE LA FICCIÓN POÉTICA EN EL VIRREINATO DEL PERÚ. EL PROCESO CONTRA ARAUCO DOMADO (LIMA, 1596) DE PEDRO DE OÑA
(Taylor and Francis, 2021)
© 2021, Latinoamericana Editores. All rights reserved.In this article, I address the trial against Pedro de Oña’s epic poem Arauco domado (Lima, 1596). From the analysis of the a posteriori censorship of the poem, carried ...