Now showing items 1-10 of 3471
Opinion of hepatic transplant waiting list patients regarding split liver transplantation
(Elsevier B.V., 2008-04-01)
Background. Split liver transplantation (SLT) increases organ supply for hepatic transplantation. Long-term patient survival and complication rates seem to be equivalent between orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) and ...
Transplante pancreato-duodenal em ratos com microcirurgia. A téchnica e os resultados após 12 anos de experimentação
In this study we present the technical details, adaptations and modifications of the original procedure of pancreaticoduodenal transplantation in rats described by Lee et al. in 1972. We also present the results and technical ...
Opções técnicas utilizadas no transplante pancreático em centros brasileiros
(Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões, 2005-02-01)
BACKGROUND: To analyze the profile of the most important Brazilian Transplant Centers regarding technical options in the pancreas transplant. METHODS: A query was sent by electronic mail for the 12 Brazilian Transplant ...
Surgical techniques for maxillary bone grafting: literature review
For oral rehabilitation with implant-supported prostheses, there are required procedures to create the bone volume needed for installation of the implants. Thus, bone grafts from intraoral or extraoral donor sites represent ...
Pre- and post-transplant anti-myosin and anti-heat shock protein antibodies and cardiac transplant outcome
(Elsevier B.V., 2004-02-01)
Background: the purpose this study was to investigate the relationship of anti-myosin and anti-heat shock protein immunoglobulin G (IgG) serum antibodies to the original heart disease of cardiac transplant recipients, and ...
Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics in Cord Blood Transplantation
(Sociedad de Biología de Chile, 2010)
O uso do transplante osteocondral a fresco no tratamento das lesões osteocondrais do joelhoUse of fresh osteochondral transplants for treating osteochondral knee lesions
(Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia, 2012)
O tratamento das lesões condrais e osteocondrais do joelho em pacientes jovens ainda permanece um desafio para os ortopedistas. As técnicas de reparo atualmente disponíveis no Brasil, como o desbridamento, microfraturas e ...
Techniques for abdominal wall reconstruction in intestinal transplantation.
(Lippincott Williams, 2017-02)
Purpose of review: One of the most important challenges in the intestinal (ITx) and multivisceral transplant (MVTx) is to achieve a successful abdominal wall closure. Recent findings: A tension-free primary closure should ...
Leucemia Mielóide Crônica: transplante de medula ósseaCronic Myeloid Leukemia: bone marrow transplantation
(Associação Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia e daSociedade Brasileira de Transplante de Medula Óssea, 2008)