Now showing items 1-10 of 1783
Time-series clustering via quasi U-statistics
(Wiley-blackwellHobokenEUA, 2012)
Impact of the dry law on road traffic mortality in brazilian states: An interrupted time series analysisImpacto da lei seca sobre a mortalidade no trânsito nas unidades federativas do brasil: Uma análise de série temporal interrompida
Objective: To assess the impact of 2008 Public Law number 11,705, also known as Dry Law (DL-08), on mortality from road traffic accidents (RTA), in each of the 27 Brazilian Federative Units (BFUs). Methods: Ecological study ...
The bias in reversing the Box-Cox transformation in time series forecasting: An empirical study based on neural networks
(Elsevier B.V., 2014-07-20)
The Box-Cox transformation is a technique mostly utilized to turn the probabilistic distribution of a time series data into approximately normal. And this helps statistical and neural models to perform more accurate ...
Estimation of a measure of local correlation for independent samples and time series data
(Springer (India)Calcutta, 2013)
Different from measures of global dependence, measures of local dependence
evaluate the dependence along the support of the variables. The aim of
this paper is to study a measure of local dependence proposed by Bairamov,
Kotz ...
An alternative approach to deal with the absence of clinical trials: a proportional meta-analysis of case series studies
(Sociedade Brasileira para o Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa em Cirurgia, 2013-12-01)
PURPOSE: Systematic reviews are criticized for frequently offering inconsistent evidences and absence of straightforward recommendations. Their value seems to be depreciated when the conclusions are uncertain. To describe ...
Time series characterization via horizontal visibility graph and Information Theory
(Elsevier Science, 2016-12)
Complex networks theory have gained wider applicability since methods for transformation of time series to networks were proposed and successfully tested. In the last few years, horizontal visibility graph has become a ...
Time trend in suicide mortality in the state of BahiaTendencia temporal de la mortalidad por suicido en el estado de BahíaTendência temporal da mortalidade por suicídio no estado da Bahia
Objective: To analyze the time trend in suicide mortality in the state of Bahia according to gender and age range, in the 1996-2013 period. Methods: A time series study based on data from Brazil’a Mortality Information ...
Comparing non-stationary and irregularly spaced time series
In this paper, we present approximate distributions for the ratio of the cumulative wavelet periodograms considering stationary and non-stationary time series generated from independent Gaussian processes. We also adapt ...
Sustainable resource management in a supply chain: a methodological proposal combining zero-inflated fuzzy time series and clustering techniques
(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2020-07-14)
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyze demand forecast strategies to support a more sustainable management in a pallet supply chain, and thus avoid environmental impacts, such as reducing the consumption of forest ...
Gerenciamento de doenças utilizando séries temporais com o modelo ARIMA
(Instituto Israelita de Ensino e Pesquisa Albert Einstein, 2013-03-01)
The evaluation of infectious and noninfectious disease management can be done through the use of a time series analysis. In this study, we expect to measure the results and prevent intervention effects on the disease. ...