Now showing items 1-10 of 1142
Sex and Sexual Behavior in Costa Rica and the United States
This study examined differences between Costa Ricans and Euro-Americans in perceptions of appropriate sexual behavior and definitions of sex. When compared to Costa Ricans, Euro- Americans were more likely to consider ...
Hiperplasia adrenal congênita: estudo qualitativo sobre definição e redefinição sexual, cirurgia de dilatação e apoio psicológico (parte II)
(Sociedade Brasileira de Endocrinologia e Metabologia, 2009-12-01)
OBJECTIVE: To identify relevant questions related to sex definition and re-designation and reconstructive surgery in patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), and to understand the role of the psychologist in ...
Revitalizing Imperialism: Contemporary Campaigns Against Sex Trafficking And Modern Slavery
(Universidade Estadual de Campinas UNICAMP, 2016)
Does gender leave an epigenetic imprint on the brain?
(Frontiers Media S.A., 2019-02)
The words “sex” and “gender” are often used interchangeably in common usage. In fact, the Merriam-Webster dictionary offers “sex” as the definition of gender. The authors of this review are neuroscientists, and the words ...
Sex Determination and Female Reproductive Development in the GenuSchistosoma: A Review
(Instituto de Medicina Tropical, 2014)
Putas feministas en América Latina. La RedTraSex y su vínculo con el feminismo latinoamericano.Feminist Sex Workers in Latin America. RedTraSex and its links with Latin American feminism
(Consejo de Profesionales en Sociología, 2017-12)
La Red de Trabajadoras Sexuales de Latinoamérica y el Caribe (RedTraSex) representauna experiencia de construcción de una red de organizaciones nacionales que tienealcance latinoamericano, fundada en la pertenencia al ...
Novel DMRT1 3 ' UTR+11insT mutation associated to XY partial gonadal dysgenesis
(Sbem-soc Brasil Endocrinologia & MetabologiaRio De Janeiro, RjBrasil, 2010)
More than just talk: The framing of transactional sex and its implications for vulnerability to HIV in Lesotho, Madagascar and South Africa
(BioMed Central, 2011)
Background: 'Transactional sex' was regarded by the mid-1990s as an important determinant of HIV transmission, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Little attention has been paid to what the terms used to denote transactional ...
Os efeitos do programa de estimulação e a variável sexo no desempenho em consciência fonêmica
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilFonoaudiologiaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Distúrbios da Comunicação HumanaCentro de Ciências da Saúde, 2008-01-17)
Abstract 1: This study focuses on phonemic awareness in relation to the performance
between boys and girls, and programs of stimulation. A critical review of the literature
was carried out, seeking so summarize the main ...
(Univ Florence Botany Inst, 1994-01-01)
Cytogenetic studies carried out on nine species belonging to five genera of the subfamily Hypoptopomatinae showed that this group has a relatively constant diploid number, 2n = 54, with only one species having 2n = 72 ...