Now showing items 1-10 of 21
Rufous horneros perceive and alter temporal coordination of duets during territorial interactions
Temporal coordination of duets consists of nonrandom overlap, alternation or association between rhythms of acoustic elements. Since duet coordination presumably requires high attentiveness between signallers, the coalition ...
High coordination and equitable parental effort in the Rufous HorneroAlta coordinación y esfuerzo parental equitativo en Furnarius rufus
(Cooper Ornithological Society, 2012-08)
In temperate regions of the Southern Hemisphere, avian parental care is understudied, in particular for the neotropical family Furnariidae. We measured rates of nest building, mud carrying, incubation, brooding, feeding, ...
Trends in closed nest entrance orientation of the Rufous Hornero Furnarius rufus along an altitudinal gradient in South America
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2020-02)
The orientation of the nest entrances of 464 nests of the Rufous Hornero Furnarius rufus were explored in relation to vegetation cover along an altitudinal gradient in Argentina. There was no correlation between altitude ...
Female and male rufous horneros eject shiny cowbird eggs using a mental template of the size of their own eggs
(Elsevier Science, 2020-09)
Hosts of interspecific brood parasites often evolve antiparasitic defences, like the recognition and rejection of parasite's eggs. Most hosts use differences in coloration and maculation to discriminate between their own ...
Orientación de nidos de hornero (Furnarius rufus): Efectos de la vegetación, el viento y la radiación solar en el noroeste de la ArgentinaNest orientation of rufous hornero (Furnarius rufus): Vegetation, wind and solar radiation effects in Northwestern Argentina
(Asociación Argentina de Ecología, 2020-04-02)
La radiación solar, los vientos y la cobertura vegetal sobre los nidos pueden influir en las decisiones de las aves acerca de cómo construirlos; por ejemplo, en la orientación de la entrada. En este estudio se examinó la ...
Effect of geographical latitude and sun exposure on Rufous Hornero (Furnarius rufus) nest orientationDer Einfluss der geographischen Breite und der Sonneneinstrahlung auf die Nestausrichtung bei Rosttöpfern (Furnarius rufus)
(Springer Verlag Berlín, 2018-06)
Bird nest orientation is affected by environmental variables determined by their geographical position as well as microclimatic conditions. In closed-cup-nesting species, nests may be oriented to avoid adverse environmental ...
First Records Of Casiornis Rufus (vieillot, 1816) (aves, Tyrannidae) For The State Of Rio Grande Do Sul, Southern Brazil
(Centro de Referencia em Informacao Ambiental, 2015)
European starling (Sturnus vulgaris): population density and interactions with native species in Buenos Aires urban parksEl Estornino Pinto (Sturnus vulgaris): estimación de la densidad poblacional e interacciones con especies nativas en parques urbanos de Buenos Aires
(Neotropical Ornithological Society, 2010-12)
The European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) was introduced in Argentina by 1987. Starlings are<br />secondary cavity nesters and may constitute a threat to other cavity nesters. We estimated the density of starlings in Buenos ...
Effects of the association between Mimus saturninus and Furnarius rufus on their foraging and alert behaviors
Several studies on the social behavior of birds have shown two main benefits of social groups: optimization of foraging and decreasing the risk of predation. We tested whether the association between rufous hornero (Furnarius ...
Traços de história de vida e o efeito do querido inimigo em João-de-barro (Furnariidae: Furnarius rufus)
(Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF)BrasilICB – Instituto de Ciências BiológicasPrograma de Pós Graduação em Biodiversidade e Conservação da NaturezaUFJF, 2021)