Now showing items 1-10 of 10160
Pesquisa sobre políticas públicas energéticas no Brasil: um estudo de caso a partir do diretório nacional de grupos de pesquisa do CNPq
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilBacharelado em AdministraçãoUTFPR, 2016-11-17)
The socio-economic growth of various countries causes the increasing consumption of energy by companies. Energy is strategic for any nation. And in that sense, to meet the growing needs has strengthened research into ...
Análise do trabalho do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Curitiba
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilDepartamento Acadêmico de Gestão e EconomiaCurso de Especialização em Gestão Pública MunicipalUTFPR, 2018-07-31)
This monograph offers a look at the control of ethics in research projects carried out in the area of Health in places not linked to academic institutions, analyzing the functioning of a Research Ethics Committee of a ...
Evidenciação de gestão de risco operacional nas instituições financeiras listadas na BM&FBOVESPA
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáPato BrancoBrasilDepartamento Acadêmico de Ciências ContábeisCiências ContábeisUTFPR, 2017-10-24)
Considering the risks to which financial institutions are exposed, the objective of this work was to verify the level of disclosure of the operational risk of financial institutions that operate with commercial portfolio ...
Reconstrução histórica da creche escola Dr. Adolfo Bezerra de Menezes (1985-2016)
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNPedagogia, 2016-12-14)
The objective of this paper is the historical study of the Dr. Adolfo Bezerra de Menezes School and Daycare Center. We aim to identify and question the historical processes that made the creation of this institution possible. ...
Incidence of recreational techniques to reduce attrition and improve learning English as a second language on students of elementary and pre-intermediate levels at Lincoln College of foreign languages Institute during april july 2008
(QUITO / ESPE-IDIOMAS / 2008, 2008-04)
To do this research, I have followed a scheme proposed by The Army Polytechnic School Language Department which clearly specifies step by step each detail of how to develop a research and obtain the requirement results ...
Gerenciamento de resíduos químicos perigosos e não-perigosos para o Departamento de Engenharia Química da UFRN
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNEngenharia Química, 2016-12)
The accelerated process of industrialization in recent decades has led to the emergence of numerous chemical processes and consequently to an even greater range of wastes from these activities. Considering that the waste ...
Gestão da inadimplência: análise do índice de Basileia aplicada em três bancos privados listados na B3
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáPato BrancoBrasilDepartamento Acadêmico de Ciências ContábeisCiências ContábeisUTFPR, 2019-10-29)
Financial institutions play an important role in granting credit to individuals and companies. However, mismanagement of the resources taken by the institutions may accelerate the borrowers' default process. Therefore, in ...
Escola e família: conexões e desconexões no período de pandemia
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáDois VizinhosBrasilLicenciatura em Ciências BiológicasUTFPR, 2022-05-25)
School and family are the two main institutions in the process of raising children. The advent of modernity and industrialization brought about important changes in both institutions. Education has become a citizen's right ...
Diagnóstico de comunicación interna y propuesta de plan de comunicación en la Unidad Educativa Cristiana Verbo
Communication is a fundamental part in every company and in every educational institution; it is a tool of administrative and managerial support to achieve a correct operation system in every business model.
In the present ...