Now showing items 1-10 of 9607
Theology of and in history: on the historiological claim of the theology of the signs of time
In this study, the author analyzes and articulates elements for creating a theology in history that, at the same time, is validated as a theology of history. This task poses a challenge that entails overcoming the faith-reason ...
Presence and perspectives of teaching recent history in the History curriculum in secondary education in Chile. A curriculum analysisPresencia y perspectivas de la enseñanza de la Historia reciente en la Historia enseñada en la educación secundaria en Chile. Un análisis desde el currículum
(Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Austral de Chile, 2018)
The Analytical Metaphysics of Time and the Recent Theory of History: Overtones of the Debate about Presentism
(Univ Federal Ouro Preto, Dept Historia, 2021-01-01)
The longstanding line of research that the analytic tradition calls metaphysics of time remains quite ignored by the theory of history. To bring them closer, this study proposes to introduce to historians and theorists of ...
La historia reciente o del acceso histórico a realidades sociales actualesRecent history or historical access to current social realities
(Sección Historia. Instituto Superior de Profesorado N°3. Villa Constitución, Argentina., 2021)
Recent history in Latin America: between complexity and uncertainty
(L´École nationale des chartes, 2016)
Validating a history of the recent past has meant conceiving of history as all-embracing, advanced knowledge in a theoretical construct applicable to all periods, including the present. In that context, scholars have ...
La memoria y la enseñanza de la violencia política desde estrategias audiovisuales.
Dado el creciente interés que suscita en el país y en la región el tema del conflicto político y armado que ha vivido Colombia durante las últimas décadas, sobre todo en relación con su tratamiento en la escuela y ...
The contribution of teaching recent history in Chile: dissents and consensus from the political transition to XXI centuryEl aporte de la enseñanza de la historia reciente en Chile: Disensos y consensos desde la transición política al siglo XXIA contribuição do ensino da história recente do Chile: dissidência e consenso da transigao política a seculo XXI
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades., 2018)