Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1967
Analysis of online sales distribution channels in international companies in south america and their profitability and competitiveness
(PUCE-Quito, 2018)
Over time, the Internet has changed the way people communicate, and not only that, but also how they make different transactions to acquire goods, transfer money, and entertain themselves. In this matter, distribution ...
A pedagogia musical on-line no ensino de acordeom: uma análise do canal Jovenil Santos no YoutubeOnline musical pedagogy in accordion teaching: an analysis of the Jovenil Santos YouTube channel
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilPrograma de Pós-graduação em Música, 2021)
Pricing policies in hotels: a psychological threshold research in online and offline channels
This research analyses the perception that customers have regarding hotel prices at the time of making their final purchase decision. Price perception depends on the analysis of psychological thresholds. When a hotel ...
Online travel agencies and the creation of new tourist destinations: a study about Hurb and Olímpia
O objetivo deste estudo é entender até que ponto agências online de turismo conseguem ajudar na criação de novos destinos turísticos. A dissertação discorre sobre o caso de Olímpia (SP) , com foco na participação do Hurb ...
Sales agents vs the internet: Understanding service sabotage based on the conservation of resources theory
(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2017)
Impact of online marketing channels in times of COVID-19Impacto de los canales de comercialización online en tiempos del COVID-19
(Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, extensión Guayaquil, 2020)