Now showing items 1-10 of 181
La construcción de la adicción como problema de conocimiento neurobiológico y las perspectivas de tratamientos. Una crítica al modelo médico hegemónicoAddiction: its construction as a problem of neurobiological knowledge and treatment perspectives. A critique of the Hegemonic Medical Model
(Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 2011-06)
Este artículo forma parte de una investigación más general que explora el modo en que ha sido construida históricamente la problemática adictiva. Aquí presentamos la construcción que se hace de la misma desde la perspectiva ...
Insect Neurobiology: An Eye to Forward Motion
(Elsevier, 2017-11-06)
For many animals, visual motion provides essential information for navigating through the environment. A new study in flies reveals novel neurons capable of multiplexing information of a visual scene and encoding relative ...
Plasticity mechanisms of memory consolidation and reconsolidation in the perirhinal cortex
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2018-02-01)
In this review we explore the role of the perirhinal cortex (Prh) in memory, focusing on the cellular and molecular mechanisms that have been described to happen in this structure. The Prh is part of the medial temporal ...
An early sensitive period induces long-lasting plasticity in the honeybee nervous system
(Frontiers Research Foundation, 2018-02)
The effect of early experiences on the brain during a sensitive period exerts a long-lasting influence on the mature individual. Despite behavioral and neural plasticity caused by early experiences having been reported in ...
Phonetic acquisition in cortical dynamics, a computational approach
(Public Library of Science, 2019-06)
Many computational theories have been developed to improve artificial phonetic classificationperformance from linguistic auditory streams. However, less attention has been given topsycholinguistic data and neurophysiological ...
Diversidad, pluralismos, reducciones en la biología : análisis de las relaciones entre nociones de genDiversity, pluralisms and reductions in biology : an analysis of the relationships between gene concepts
(Universidad Nacional de QuilmesUniversidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, 2018-04-01)
Actualmente, en la biología pueden encontrarse diferentes nociones de gen. Respecto a la relación entre ellas, Moss ha sostenido que en particular las nociones de gen clásico (gen-P) y gen molecular (gen-D) son independientes. ...
Neurobiological effects of neonatal maternal separation and post-weaning environmental enrichment
(Elsevier Science, 2013-03)
Throughout the lifespan, the brain has a considerable degree of plasticity and can be strongly influenced by sensory input from the outside environment. Given the importance of the environment in the regulation of the brain ...
Effects of dietary omega-3 PUFAs on growth and development: Somatic, neurobiological and reproductive functions in a murine model
(Elsevier Science Inc, 2018-11)
Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (ω-3 PUFAs) are relevant to fetal and infant growth and development. Objective: to assess whether long-term exposure to dietary ω-3 PUFA imbalance alters pre- and/or postnatal pups' ...
Neurobiología de la glía y sus funciones en el desarrollo, la fisiología y la patología del SNCThe Neurobiology of Glial Cells and the Function they Perform in the Development, Physiology and the Pathology of the Central Nervous System (CNS)
(Sciens, 2010-02)
En este artículo se realiza una revisión de las investigaciones más recientes donde las células gliales son los actores fundamentales en todos los aspectos del desarrollo del cerebro, en su función y la enfermedad. Mucho ...
Tempo and Pattern of Avian Brain Size Evolution
(Cell Press, 2020-06)
Relative brain sizes in birds can rival those of primates, but large-scale patterns and drivers of avian brain evolution remain elusive. Here, we explore the evolution of the fundamental brain-body scaling relationship ...