Now showing items 1-10 of 2374
Property, freedom and money: Modern Capitalism reassessed
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 2016-04)
Large exchange markets, big money, interest-bearing credit, big landholdings, proletarian masses, imperial expansion and even ‘capital’ or ‘salaried workers’, are not in themselves specific, unique institutional features ...
Stretching Tradition. Physical Activity, Body and Health in Modern and Classical Yoga
(Centro Argentino de Etnología Americana, 2018-12)
In this paper we develop a contrastive analysis of some aspects of Modern and Classical yoga. With this purpose we first provide a brief discussion of what has been labelled ‘modern postural yoga,’ addressing the transformation ...
Is Bauman's "liquid modernity" influencing the way we are doing science?
(Rockefeller University Press, 2021-03-12)
This commentary analyzes the possible effects of lightness—a typical attribute of modern (liquid) society, according to Bauman—on the way we are doing science. We share our opinion in an attempt to discern whether some ...
Toward a Reappraisal of Comparative Studies: The Case of South American Modernism
(MIT Press, 2020-10)
The text begins with a series of historiographic reflections on key debates about art history in South America; these suggest possible points of departure for the development of a comparative method suitable to our present ...
Modern vegetation-pollen-climate relationships for the Pampa grasslands of Argentina
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2008-05)
To analyse the relationships between potential natural vegetation, pollen and climate in order to improve the interpretation of fossil pollen records and provide the background for future quantitative palaeoclimatic ...
Salt marsh palynological assemblages as modern analogue tools for interpreting past vegetation zones and environmental conditions in the NE coastal plain of Argentina
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2021-03)
In this study we examine the distribution patterns of modern palynological assemblages from different salt marsh zones and microenvironments in order to generate reference data for the north-central sector of Bahía Samborombo ...
Le Corbusier and a New Structural System as the Germ of the Modern Grammar
(David Publisher, 2017)
The opposition between the terms carcasse (carcass), conceptualized by Auguste Perret, and ossature (frame), proposed as an alternative by Le Corbusier, gives rise to the exploration of the capital contribution of the ...
El estilo neocolonial como modernismo latinoamericanoNeocolonial style as a Latin American Moderns
(Universidad del Bío Bío, 2014-12)
El presente trabajo es una reflexión teórica que aborda el tema de las representaciones estéticas de la modernidad en América Latina. Más específicamente trata sobre el estilo neocolonial que, según nuestra visión, fue una ...
La modernidad como dialéctica entre modernización y modernismo.Modernity as dialectic between modernization and modernism
(Universidad Nacional de Villa María, 2017-06)
El trabajo tiene como objetivo describir las construcciones teóricas de autores clásicos de la sociología en relación a su posición con respecto a la modernidad, sus similitudes y diferencias. Mediante una exposición de ...
Atmospheric dust dynamics in southern South America: A 14-year modern dust record in the loessic Pampean region
(Sage Publications Ltd, 2020-04)
Mineral aerosols profoundly impact global climate. Modeling of the dust cycle is the main tool used to gauge this effect. However, the scarcity of in situ modern dust flux measurements is the main reason why validation of ...