Now showing items 1-10 of 8454
Useful tools and methods for literature retrieval in pubmed: step-by-step guide for physicians
Developing skills to search the medical literature has potential benefits on patient care and allow physicians to better orient their efforts when answering daily clinical questions. The objective of this paper is to share ...
Methodologically grounded semantic analysis of large volume of chilean medical literature data applied to the analysis of medical research funding efficiency in Chile.
Background: Medical knowledge is accumulated in scientific research papers along time. In order to exploit this knowledge by automated systems, there is a growing interest in developing text mining methodologies to extract, ...
El internista:un ser humano ayudando a otro: De la formación y ejercicio clínico de la profesión
(Sociedad Médica de Santiago, 2004)
Transfusion medicine in medical education: an analysis of curricular grids in Brazil and a review of the current literature
(Associação Brasileira de Hematologia, Hemoterapia e Terapia Celular, 2016)
Where and how to search scientific medical evidence? [¿dÓnde y cÓmo buscar evidencia cientÍfica en medicina?]
(Elsevier Espana S.L., 2014)
Systematic reviews of medical literature and metanalyses
(Associação Paulista de Medicina - APM, 1996-10-01)
Conocimientos de los alumnos de últimos años de Medicina y residentes sobre indicadores de riesgo epidemiológico utilizados en ensayos clínicos
(Instituto Nacional de Salud, 2012)
A cross-sectional study evaluated 182 students in the last two years of medical school and 70 residents of a national hospital in Peru on the risk indicators used for reporting results in clinical trials. A questionnaire ...