Now showing items 1-10 of 64
Using Local Grammar for Entity Extraction from Clinical Reports
Information Extraction (IE) is a natural language processing (NLP) task whose aim is to analyze texts written in natural language to extract structured and useful information such as named entities and semantic relations ...
A Case-Based Reasoning Model Powered by Deep Learning for Radiology Report Recommendation
Case-Based Reasoning models are one of the most used reasoning paradigms in expert-knowledge-driven areas. One of the most prominent fields of use of these systems is the medical sector, where explainable models are required. ...
Pioneers of Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma: History from Case Report to Global Recognition
(NLM (Medline), 2019-03-01)
The first case of breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (breast implant ALCL) was described by John Keech and the late Brevator Creech in 1997. In the following 2 decades, much research has led to ...
The law of rights and duties of persons in health care from the viewpoint of bioethics
The law of rights and duties of persons in health care from the viewpoint of bioethics The enactment of Law 20.584 in April of 2012 promotes a change in the physician-patient relationship, with recognition of people's ...
Análisis del control y medición contable de inventarios en las instituciones de salud en Cuenca, caso de estudio Clínica España S. A.
Section 13 of IFRS for SMEs provides guidance for companies to submit information concerning inventories with reasonableness and reliability , a situation which currently requires analysis and updating procedures for the ...
Etnobotánica médica de grupos Criollos de Argentina: reconocimiento, análisis y puesta en valor de los datos presentados por el Gobierno Argentino en la Exposición Universal de París de 1889Medical ethnobotany of Criollos groups of Argentina: Recognition, analysis and valoration of presented data by Argentinian Government at the Universal Exposition of Paris of 1889
(Instituto de Botánica Darwinion, 2016-12)
Se reconoce, pone en valor y analiza un importante volumen de datos sobre etnobotánica médica argentina hallado en un catálogo sobre materiales e informaciones presentados en la Exposición Universal de París de 1889 por ...
Direito à educação da pessoa com deficiência: ações judiciais em uma comarca do estado de São Paulo (2015-2020)
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação - PPGEd-SoCâmpus Sorocaba, 2023-02-06)
The right to education in the Federal Constitution of 1988 is declared as a fundamental right, of
a social nature, constituting a right for all and a duty of the State and the family. The recognition
of education as a ...
Ética médica en la práctica actual de la medicina
(Universidad de La Sabana, 2003)
A brief analysis is made on the deterioration of medical practice today due to the introduction of mercantilist institutions as major and mainly profit-oriented intermediaries between patients and physicians. Face to this ...
Arterial: um modelo inteligente para a prevenção ao vazamento de informações de prontuários eletrônicos utilizando processamento de linguagem natural
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2021-12-21)
Over the past decade, there has been a steady increase in healthcare security breaches. A study on patient privacy and data security showed that 94% of hospitals had at least one security breach in the past two years. In ...
Arterial: um modelo inteligente para a prevenção ao vazamento de informações de prontuários eletrônicos utilizando processamento de linguagem natural
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2021-12-21)
Over the past decade, there has been a steady increase in healthcare security breaches. A study on patient privacy and data security showed that 94% of hospitals had at least one security breach in the past two years. In ...