Now showing items 1-10 of 22
Ecologia da polinização e troca de polinizadores de Caryocar brasiliense subsp. intermedium (Caryocaraceae), em área meridional do Cerrado
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2017-02-24)
Caryocar brasiliense (pequi) é uma árvore com flor de morfologia do tipo pincel que possibilita o livre acesso aos recursos florais, mas a polinização é realizada apenas por morcegos. Na distribuição meridional do Cerrado ...
Plant animal mutualism effectiveness in native and transformed habitats: assessing the coupled outcomes of pollination and seed dispersal
(Elsevier, 2017)
Most flowering plants depend on biotic pollination and seed dispersal for reproductive success. Pollination and
seed dispersal are generalized mutualistic interactions, in which species with different effectiveness ...
Plant-animal mutualism effectiveness in native and transformed habitats: assessing the coupled outcomes of pollination and seed dispersal
(Elsevier GmbH, 2017)
Most flowering plants depend on biotic pollination and seed dispersal for reproductive success. Pollination and seed dispersal are generalized mutualistic interactions, in which species with different effectiveness levels ...
Scale-dependent responses of pollination and seed dispersal mutualisms in a habitat transformation scenario
(Wiley & Sons, 2015)
Transformed habitats are the result of deliberate replacement of native species by an exotic monoculture, involving changes in biotic and abiotic conditions. Despite the fact that transformed habitats are becoming more ...
(SPRINGER, 2009)
A structural and compositional definition of old-growth forest is presented, which places emphasis on the lack of recurrent human impact, the presence of a shade-tolerant canopy with emergent pioneers, and a patch area ...
Node-by-node disassembly of a mutualistic interaction web driven by species introductions
(National Academy of Sciences, 2013-10)
Interaction webs summarize the diverse interactions among species in communities. The addition or loss of particular species and the alteration of key interactions can lead to the disassembly of the entire interaction web, ...
Increased resource availability prevents the disruption of key ecological interactions in disturbed habitats
(Ecological Society of America, 2017)
© 2017 Fontúrbel et al. Anthropogenic disturbance can modify habitat structure and resource availability, potentially disrupting ecological interactions. This issue may be critical for pollination and seed dispersal, which ...
Diversidad de mamíferos en un remanente de bosque urbano de la ciudad de Medellín (Antioquia, Colombia)Mammal diversity in an urban forest remnant located in the city of Medellín, (Antioquia, Colombia)
(Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Instituto de BiologíaGrupo de Investigación en Agrociencias Biodiversidad y Territorio GAMMAMastozoologia U. de AntioquiaMedellín, Colombia, 2021)
Birds at Eucalyptus and other flowers in Southern Brazil: A review
In southern Brazil, I recorded 14 species of hummingbirds, one woodpecker, three Psittacidae, four Tyrannidae, one mockingbird, and 31 tanagers and relatives at eucalyptus flowers. Others have registered 3 different ...