Now showing items 1-10 of 17
Unlearning learned helplessness by volunteerism and service-learning at the Iraq American University
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Chronic treatment with fluoxetine decreases seizure threshold in naïve but not in rats exposed to the learned helplessness paradigm: Correlation with the hippocampal glutamate release
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2005-06)
The proconvulsive effect of the new generation of antidepressants remains controversial. The authors investigated in naïve rats the effect of chronic treatment with fluoxetine (FLX) on the convulsive threshold and on two ...
Learned helplessness and immunization with different escape responses in ratsDesamparo aprendido e imunizaçáo com diferentes respostas de fuga
(Acta ComportamentaliaActa Comportamentalia: Revista Latina de Análisis del Comportamiento, 2010)
Effects of the acute administration of Imipramine on learned helplessness of male and female ratsEfeitos da administração aguda de Imipramina sobre o desamparo aprendido de ratos machos e fêmeas
(Acta ComportamentaliaActa Comportamentalia: Revista Latina de Análisis del Comportamiento, 2010)
Neuronal cytoskeletal alterations in an experimental model of depression
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2004-12)
It has been proposed that depression is associated with hippocampal morphological changes. The apical dendrite atrophy of hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons has been described in experimental models of depression. The aim ...
Análisis de fenómenos de aprendizaje animal desde el modelo de covariación y el patrón de acciones comparativasAnálisis de fenómenos de aprendizaje animal desde el modelo de covariación y el patrón de acciones comparativas
(Acta ComportamentaliaActa Comportamentalia: Revista Latina de Análisis del Comportamiento, 2010)
Mental health impacts in Argentinean college students during COVID-19 quarantine
(Frontiers Media S.A., 2021-02)
Background: We aimed to: (1) analyze differences in both general (in terms of psychological well-being/discomfort, social functioning and coping, and psychological distress) and specific (depression, trait-anxiety, negative ...