Now showing items 1-10 of 89
Integration of emerging motion capture technologies and videogames for human upper-limb telerehabilitation: A systematic review
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Medellín). Facultad de Minas., 2015-01-01)
Integrating emerging technologies has shown to have the potential to improve access to rehabilitation services and the adherence for physical therapy when they are applied into telemedicine environments. This systematic ...
Stochastic Generation of Accelerograms for Subduction Earthquakes
(Seismological Society of America, 2016)
The generation of accelerograms using stochastic methods has been a very useful methodology for solving the problem of the lack of appropriate strong-motion records for seismic design. Here, we propose the generation of ...
One-sided reflected Brownian motions and the KPZ fixed point
(Cambridge Univ., 2020)
We consider the system of one-sided reflected Brownian motions that is in variational duality with Brownian last passage percolation. We show that it has integrable transition probabilities, expressed in terms of Hermite ...
Extreme statistics of non-intersecting Brownian paths
(University of Washington, 2017)
We consider finite collections of N non-intersecting Brownian paths on the line and on the half-line with both absorbing and reflecting boundary conditions (corresponding to Brownian excursions and reflected Brownian ...
Earthquake magnitude calculation without saturation from the scaling of peak ground displacement
(Amer Geophysical Union, 2015)
GPS instruments are noninertial and directly measure displacements with respect to a
global reference frame, while inertial sensors are affected by systematic offsets—primarily tilting—that
adversely impact integration ...
Correlations between Energy and Displacement Demands for Performance-Based Seismic Engineering
The development of a scientific framework for performance-based seismic engineering requires, among other steps, the evaluation of ground motion intensity measures at a site and the characterization of their relationship ...
Maximum likelihood estimation of cardiac fiber bundle orientation from arbitrarily spaced diffusion weighted images
(Elsevier, 2017)
We propose an estimation scheme for local fiber bundle direction in the left ventricle directly from gray values of arbitrarily spaced cardiac diffusion weighted images (DWI). The approach is based on a parametric and ...
Non-intersecting Brownian bridges and the Laguerre Orthogonal Ensemble
(Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2017)
We show that the squared maximal height of the top path amongNnon-intersecting Brownian bridges starting andending at the origin is distributed as the top eigenvalue of a random matrix drawn from the Laguerre Orthogonal ...
Valoración de opciones americanas por el método de malla estocástica bajo movimiento Browniano fraccional del activo subyacente
(Facultad de Finanzas, Gobierno y Relaciones Internacionales, 2018-11-07)
Se presentan las principales definiciones y resultados del movimiento Browniano fraccional (mbf) y la manera como su incorporación en el método de malla estocástica permite la valoración de opciones call y put americanas. ...
A Roadmap to Robot Motion Planning Software Development
(Universitat Politècnica de CatalunyaBarcelona - España, 2009)
PhD programs and graduate studies in robotics usually include motion planning among its main subjects. Students that focus their research in this subject find themselves trapped in the necessity of programming an environment ...