Now showing items 1-10 of 395
Are the New World hummingbird-hawkmoths functional equivalents of hummingbirds?
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2020-09-08)
Flower reshaping in the transition to hummingbird pollination in Loasaceae subfam. Loasoideae despite absence of corolla tubes or spurs
(Springer, 2016-03)
Many angiosperm lineages present transitions from bee to hummingbird pollination. The flower design in most of these lineages includes either corolla tubes or nectar spurs, structures that commonly experienced an elongation ...
Nectar ecology of the endemic epiphytic hummingbird-pollinated bromeliad Vriesea altodaserrae: secretion dynamics and pollinator visitation pattern
(Soc Botanica Brasil, 2018-07-01)
Hummingbirds are the main pollinators of most bromeliad species, whose nectar traits usually respond to the selective pressures imposed by pollinators. Considering the specialization of hummingbird-pollinated bromeliads, ...
Nectar ecology of the endemic epiphytic hummingbird-pollinated bromeliad Vriesea altodaserrae: secretion dynamics and pollinator visitation pattern
(Sociedade Botânica do Brasil, 2018-09-15)
Hummingbirds are the main pollinators of most bromeliad species, whose nectar traits usually respond to the selective pressures imposed by pollinators. Considering the specialization of hummingbird-pollinated bromeliads, ...
An assemblage of hummingbird-pollinated flowers in a montane forest in southeastern Brazil
(Georg Thieme VerlagStuttgartAlemanha, 1996)
Pollination by hummingbirds and bees in eight syntopic species and a putative hybrid of Ericaceae in Southeastern Brazil
(Springer Wien, 2006-04)
We report on flowering phenology, floral morphology, pollinators, and nectar for eight species and a putative natural hybrid belonging to Agarista, Gaultheria and Gaylussacia that occur syntopically in a montane area. The ...
Geographical variation in floral traits of the tree tobacco in relation to its hummingbird pollinator fauna
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2007-04)
Nicotiana glauca, a hummingbird pollinated plant, exhibits geographical variation in several floral traits. We examined whether geographical differentiation occurred for different flower characters and if this differentiation ...
The pollination of Stenorrhynchos lanceolatus (Aublet) L. C. Rich. (Orchidaceae : Spiranthinae) by hummingbirds in southeastern Brazil
(Springer-verlag WienViennaAustria, 2000)
Hummingbird-pollinated floras at three Atlantic forest sites
(Assoc Tropical Biology IncLawrenceEUA, 2000)