Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 572
Orientação cultural do guaranazeiro
(FCAP, 2018)
(Manaus: Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental, 2001., 2011)
Modulatory effects of guarana (Paullinia cupana) on adipogenesis
Guarana (Paullinia cupana) is a plant originated in Brazil that presents a beneficial effect on body weight control and metabolic alterations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of guarana on genes and miRNAs ...
Ergogenic effect of acute supplementation guarana in jiu-jitsu fighters
(Inst Brasileiro Pesquisa & Ensino Fisiologia Exercicio-ibpefex, 2018-03-01)
Caffeine is a widely studied ergogenic supplement, however, studies that associate caffeine present in guarana with application in adolescents are scarce. Thus, the objective of this research was to evaluate the ergogenic ...
A (re)invenção da identidade do mauesense: festa do Guaraná, memórias e histórias
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilHistóriaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em HistóriaCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2021-02-11)
This research investigates how and in what way the Guaraná Festival in the municipality of Maués, in the Amazon, can contribute to the preservation or invention of the Mauesense identity. Therefore, we seek to understand ...
Relação entre consumo de guaraná (paullinia cupana) e atenção: uma revisão sistemática
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2021-08-11)
Introdução: O consumo do guaraná tornou-se, ao longo do tempo, uma bebida de fácil acesso e sua procura está diretamente relacionada à potencialidade acerca da disposição e alerta. As sementes do guaraná são constituídas ...
Efeito in vitro da suplementação do guaraná (Paullinia cupana) na atividade de quimioterápicos usados no tratamento do câncer de mama
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBRFarmacologiaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Farmacologia, 2014-01-24)
Cancer related fatigue (CRF) is a common phenomenon in patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy representing a negative impact on functional status and quality of life. Some plants present tonic and antifatiguing ...
Acute efects of the Paulinia cupana, Guaraná on the cognition of normal volunteers
(Associação Paulista de Medicina - APM, 1994-09-01)
The authors studied the acute effects of Guaraná, when compared to caffeine and placebo, (double blind study) on cognition, anxiety and sleep in 30 normal volunteers. Although results were negative it cannot be concluded ...