Now showing items 1-10 of 1442
The hidden value of artisanal fisheries in Honduras
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2019-06)
Declining fisheries catches are a global trend, with management failing to keep pace with growth in fishing effort and technological advances. The economic value of Honduras’ catches was estimated within the industrial and ...
Effects of marine protected areas on fisheries: the case of Sao Paulo State, Brazil
(Univ Catolica De Valparaiso, 2016-11-01)
In 2008, the government of the Sao Paulo State, Brazil, established marine protected areas (MPAs) along its entire coast. Pair trawling was banned from most of these areas ever since. This study investigated how these MPAs ...
Efecto de las áreas marinas protegidas en las pesquerías: El caso del Estado de São Paulo, Brazil
In 2008, the government of the São Paulo State, Brazil, established marine protected areas (MPAs) along its entire coast. Pair trawling was banned from most of these areas ever since. This study investigated how these MPAs ...
Transboundary Socio-Ecological Effects of a Marine Protected Area in the Southwest Atlantic
(SpringerDordrechtHolanda, 2013)
Conciliating artisanal and recreational fisheries in Anegada Bay, Argentina
(Elsevier Science, 2017-06)
Recreational and artisanal fisheries are common activities in Latin America often interpreted as competitors due to the use of common-pool resources in coastal areas. Conflicts between the (historical) artisanal fisheries ...
Valuing seafood: The Peruvian fisheries sector
(Elsevier, 2014)
There are tradeoffs in managing fisheries, and ideally such tradeoffs should be known when setting fisheries policies. An aspect of this, which is rarely considered, is the spin-off effect of different fisheries: the ...
Optimal management scenarios for the artisanal fisheries in the ecosystem of La Paz Bay, Baja California Sur, Mexico
(Ecological Modelling, 2004)
In La Paz Bay, two artisanal fisheries operate, one based on hook-and-line, targeting snappers and groupers, and the other mainly based on gillnets, targeting species such as tilefish and haemulids. A shrimp fishery, which ...
Exploring the building blocks of social capital in the Sechura Bay (Peru): Insights from Peruvian scallop (Argopecten purpuratus) aquaculture
(Elsevier, 2018)
Social capital has been a key factor for co-management initiatives' success in small-scale fisheries. Nonetheless, this is a complex concept, which can be operationalized in different ways and has no specific standardized ...