Now showing items 1-10 of 301
Abortion Legalization and Social Representations of Feminism in Argentina
(University Institute of Lisbon, 2021-12)
Over the last few years, the Argentinian feminist movement has experienced remarkable growth in its volume, scope, and public recognition. Positioned within the massive mobilization for the legalization of voluntary ...
The COVID-19 Crisis: New Sociologies and Feminisms
(International Sociological Association, 2021-06)
For the social sciences, the main novelty that the mega-crisis linked to the expansion of COVID-19 has produced is the recognition of the impossibility of ignoring that we live in territorial societies that are increasingly ...
Let´s not talk about it. Feminism and populism in Argentina
(Centre for Baltic and East European Studies, 2020-01)
Since the emergence of #NiUnaMenos [Not One Less] in 2015, feminism has become widespread in Argentina. Nowadays, actions such as to identify oneself as a feminist, to cite her slogans, to use her handkerchiefs, to hold ...
Feminisms and prostitution in Brazil: reading from a feminist anthropological perspectiveFeminismos y prostitución en Brasil: una lectura a partir de la antropología feministaFeminismos e Prostituição no Brasil: Uma Leitura a Partir da Antropologia Feminista
(Cuadernos de antropología social, 2012-12-15)
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The Feminization of Employment and Precarious Work in Globalized Latin American AgricultureFeminización del empleo y trabajo precario en las agriculturas latinoamericanas globalizadasFeminização do emprego e trabalho precário nas agriculturas latino-americanas globalizadas
(Cuadernos de antropología social, 2015-07-30)
Para acceder al Artículo utilice el link:
“¡Se Va a Caer, Se Va a Caer!” (It´s Going to Fall, It´s Going to Fall!): The Power of Marxist Feminism for a Political Critique of Patriarchal Capitalism
(European Journal of Social Sciences, 2019-04-30)
In this paper, we are interested in recovering some current reflections on the possible articulations betweenmarxism and feminism: on one hand, from the theoretical concern for the particular forms of exploitation ofwomen ...
Hacia una historiografía feminista transnacional
(Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, 2019)
El presente trabajo surge como respuesta a interrogantes acerca de una ¿existente?, ¿consolidada? corriente historiográfica feminista transnacional. Se busca resumir en qué consiste actualmente esta corriente, quiénes son ...
A postmodern Post-feminism without Women
(University of Warwick, 2021-01)
This article aims at showing the way in which the discursive constructivism and ethical relativism characteristic of postmodern feminism and post-feminism leads to a neo-liberal and conservative political agenda that ...
Paradoxes of the crisis: The pandemic has generated an explosion of domestic debts in Argentina
(Duke University Press, 2021-01)
Unpaid debts for rents and utilities, including electricity, water, gas, and internet access, grew at an accelerated rate during the months of social distancing meant to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. Currently, ...
A feminist perspective on the battle over property
(SAGE Publications, 2020-07-21)
A reinvigorated battle over property is taking place in the midst of the pandemic. Without making hasty grandiose pronouncements about what comes next, we want to think about what is already happening, how the future is ...