Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Análisis de las relaciones bilaterales entre Pakistán y Estados Unidos en materia de seguridad (Periodo 2007 - 2010)
(Universidad del RosarioRelaciones InternacionalesFacultad de Relaciones Internacionales, 2013)
After the attacks of September 11, 2001, Pakistan has become one of the main U.S. allies to counter terrorist forces of Al-Qaeda and the Taliban in central and southern Asia. The bilateral alliance has not declared determinant ...
Movilización Jornalera, Migración y Memoria Autobiográfica: El Itinerario de Imre (Américo) Mikli entre Hungría y Colombia (1951-1962)
This is the story of Imre Mikli and his arrival in a new world. The thesis seeks to characterize the post-war and Cold War geopolitical, economic, cultural, and social tensions, through the experiential itinerary of a ...