Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Differential galois groups and representation of quivers for seismic models with constant hessian of square of slowness
(Pushpa Publishing House, 2017)
The trajectory of energy is modeled by the solution of the Eikonal
equation, which can be solved by solving a Hamiltonian system. This
system is amenable of treatment from the point of view of the theory
of differential ...
Variations for Some Painlevé Equations
(SIGMA, 2019)
This paper rst discusses irreducibility of a Painlev e equation P. We explain
how the Painlev e property is helpful for the computation of special classical and algebraic
solutions. As in a paper of Morales-Ruiz we ...
Some tastings in Morales-Ramis theory
(IOP Publishing, 2019)
In this paper we present a short material concerning to some results in Morales-Ramis theory, which relates two different notions of integrability: Integrability of Hamiltonian systems through Liouville Arnold theorem and ...