Now showing items 1-10 of 45
Universidade acessível: Com a voz os estudantes surdos do ensino médio
Education system has hindered the access to the school and/or bilingual class by deaf people, offering mainly specialized attendance for students of the Child Education and the earlier years of the Elementary School in the ...
Concepções de surdez: A visão do surdo que se comunica em língua de sinais
At this time, diverse views on deafness are present in society. Such views, in general, arecharacterized by theoretical disputes between communicative possibilities - either oral or gestural - based onthe importance of ...
Inclusion, accessibility and permanence: the right to higher education for people with hearing impairment
(Editora Univ Federal Parana, Centro Politecnico, 2017-12-01)
The increasing number of students with hearing impairment enrolled in higher education has become a recurring fact nowadays. This paper will discuss the achievements and advances of deaf students who use the Brazilian Sign ...
Prevalence of the 35delG mutation in the GJB2 gene in two samples of non-syndromic deaf subjects from Chile
Hearing loss is the most common inherited sensorial defi ciency in humans; about 1 in 1000 children suff er from severe or profound hearing
loss at birth. Mutations in the GJB2 gene are the most common cause of prelingual, ...
Decree 6.949/2009: advance or return to the same point in Deaf Education?
(Editora UnisinosSao LeopoldoBrasil, 2012)
A imagem que professoras de escola regular têm em relação à aprendizagem do aluno surdoThe view of regular school teachers on the learning process of deaf student
(Programa de pós-gradução em Psicologia, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, 2003)
A Negociação de Sinais em Libras como Possibilidade de Ensino e de Aprendizagem de Geometria
The theme on the inclusion of people with special educational needs is increasingly present in the academic and school environment. This article discusses a process of negotiation of signs in Brazilian sign language, Libras, ...