Now showing items 1-10 of 1982
The debate on expanding criminal law towards upper class criminality and minimal criminal lawEl debate entre la expansión del derecho penal hacia la criminalidad de la clase alta y el derecho penal mínimoThe debate over the expansion of criminal law: between punishing the upper classes v. avoiding excessive application of the law.
(Universidad del Rosario, 2010)
The public debate on the question of: which social conflicts should be punished from a perspective of criminal policy, still continues. The attempts to impose criminality on particular acts come within a framework by which ...
Poder político “derivado y oculto” y su relación con el proceso de criminalización en Derecho Penal
En el presente texto el autor realiza una crítica hacia el poder del Estado, el cual denomina como
el “poder oculto”, un poder que no deriva de fuentes formales, que no siempre es legítimo. Así,
pretende demostrar la ...
Power and Prosecution Challenges and Opportunities for International Criminal Justice in Sub- Saharan Africa
This book contains some of the papers that were presented at the first meeting of the newly formed African Expert Study Group on International Criminal Law / Groupe des Experts Africaines en Droit Pénal International held ...
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2014)
The investigator as an independent subject of criminal prosecution in cases of terrorist crimes
(Universidad del Zulia, 2020)
A legitimidade do poder de investigação criminal do Ministério Público no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2013-12-16)
The Federal Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil establishes the Public Ministry, a permanent institution that aims to defend the juridical order, the democratic state and the inalienable social and individual ...
Poder de requisição do delegado de polícia, limites face a cláusula de reserva de jurisdiçãoRequisitioning Power of the Chief of Police
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNDireitoDepartamento de Direito, 2023)