Now showing items 1-10 of 169
A supremacia judicial consentida: uma leitura da atuação do Supremo Tribunal Federal a partir da relação direito-política
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2016-12-19)
From the last tens years on, a theoretical hypothesis that naturalises judicial supremacy began to be disseminated in Brazil, or, that it is something inherent to the functional prerogatives of the Federal Supreme Court – ...
A supremacia judicial consentida: uma leitura da atuação do Supremo Tribunal Federal a partir da relação direito-política
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2016-12-19)
From the last tens years on, a theoretical hypothesis that naturalises judicial supremacy began to be disseminated in Brazil, or, that it is something inherent to the functional prerogatives of the Federal Supreme Court – ...
Judicial review: could we take any advantage from the PEC 33/2011?Judicial review: podemos tirar algum proveito da PEC 33/2011?
(Escola de Direito de São Paulo da Fundação Getulio Vargas, 2016)
Meanings of the Administrative Act in the Constitutional Court Jurisprudence
(Universidad del Rosario, 2019-07-01)
This paper analyzes the meanings the Constitutional Court has assigned to the expression ``administrative act'', contained -both in its singular and plural forms- in several normative statements of the 1991 Political ...
The Obligations of the Iraqi Federal Supreme Court in Safeguarding the Constitution in Force
(Universidad del Zulia, 2020)
A Supremacia do Interesse Público na Jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal durante a República Velha
(Editora Fórum e Editora FGV, 2013)
Entre a supremacia e o diálogo: uma análise das proposições legislativas sobre a fidelidade partidária à luz das decisões do Supremo Tribunal Federal (2007-2012)
In 2007, the Brazilian Supreme Court changed its jurisprudence, that was held since 1988, and came to understand the existence of the principle of party loyalty in the legal system. This decision was criticized as an example ...