Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 115
(Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios en Bioética, Universidad de Chile, 2005)
Addressing healthy aging populations in developing countries: Unlocking the opportunity of eHealth and mHealth
(BioMed Central, 2014)
Aging societies worldwide propose a significant challenge to the model and organisation of the delivery of healthcare services. In developing countries, communicable and non-communicable diseases are affecting how the ...
Using Crowdsourcing Technology for Testing Multilingual Public Health Promotion Materials
Background: Effective communication of public health messages is a key strategy for health promotion by public health agencies. Creating effective health promotion materials requires careful message design and feedback ...
Use of Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) in Portuguese for categorizing web-based healthcare content
Introduction: Internet users are increasingly using the worldwide web to search for information relating to their health. This situation makes it necessary to create specialized tools capable of supporting users in their ...
Alfabetización digital en salud: ¿Competencias para la adquisición de conocimientos en salud a través de internet? Un análisis del constructo
(Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga UNABUniversidad Oberta de CatalunyaFacultad Ciencias Sociales, Humanidades y ArtesMaestría en E-Learning, 2013)
El presente trabajo se direcciona hacia el aprovechamiento de las TIC para la educación en salud. Indaga por el concepto de Alfabetización en eSalud y su relación con la Alfabetización en Salud como forma de sustentar la ...
Effects of Optimizing the Scan-Path on Scanning Keyboards with QWERTY-Layout for English Text
Scanning keyboards can be essential tools for individuals with reduced motor function. However, most research addresses layout optimization. Learning new layouts is time-consuming. This study explores the familiar QWERTY ...
Pharmacist services
Welcome to the Special Issue “Pharmacist Services” of Pharmacy—an open access journal with
a focus on pharmacy education and practice. Articles in this Special Issue reveal how pharmacist
services can progress in (1) ...
Alfabetización digital en salud: ¿Competencias para la adquisición de conocimientos en salud a través de internet? Un análisis del constructoDigital health literacy: Competences for the acquisition of health knowledge through the Internet? An analysis of the construct
(Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga UNABUniversidad Oberta de CatalunyaFacultad Ciencias Sociales, Humanidades y ArtesMaestría en E-Learning, 2020)