Now showing items 1-10 of 4634
Consumer Protection
Consumer defense and protection has gone beyond schemas, how can a legislation of this nature deal with consumer contracts or abusive clauses? How many questions have been raised by a consumer legislation that “dared,” for ...
Consumer Protection in Concluding E-Contracts In light of Palestinian Law
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Relations between regulation, competition policy and consumer protection in telecommunications, electricity and water supply
The purpose of this article is to discuss the relations between regulation, competition policy and consumer protection these relations in three key sectors of Brazil’s infrastructure: telecommunications, electricity and ...
From Ignorance to Legal Vulnerability: An Analysis of the Effective Protection of Consumer Rights on the Colombian Caribbean Coast
This article shows the result of an analysis of the barriers to the protection of the rights of consumers in the Colombian Caribbean, from the competence framework created by Law 1480 of 2011 and its application in the ...
Consumer protection in Peru: origins, evolution, and main regulatory influences
(Springer, 2022-03-01)
In the following text, the authors address the origins and evolution of consumer protection in Peru, as well as highlighting the main regulatory influences of the current 2010 Consumer Protection and Defence Code with ...
Dilemmas to consume justice: some scopes of procedural protection of the consumer administrative procedure and consumer arbitrationLos dilemas para consumir justicia: algunos alcances de la tutela procesal del consumidor en la vía administrativa y el arbitraje de consumo
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015)
Dilemmas to consume justice: some scopes of procedural protection of the consumer administrative procedure and consumer arbitration
(Universidad Continental, 2015-11-01)
This paper argues that the consumer should choose the procedural mechanism that satisfies their need to resolve a dispute and being compensated. Also, the administration, in order to defend rights of consumers, must have
the ...
El apogeo y la decadencia del deber de idoneidad en la jurisprudencia peruana de protección al consumidorThe rise and fall of the duty of suitability in the Peruvian Consumer Protection law
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2017)
As pr??ticas abusivas do plano de sa??de Hapvida em preju??zo dos consumidores
(Faculdade de DireitoNUMAC - N??cleo de Monografia e Atividades ComplementaresUFBAbrasil, 2018-09-26)