Now showing items 1-10 of 132
Papel de las células dendríticas en la infección por el virus dengue: blancos de replicación y respuesta inmuneRole of Dendritic Cells in Infection by Dengue Virus: Targets for Replication and Immune Response
(Sociedad Chilena de InfectologíaInmunovirologíaSantiago de Chile, Chile, 2023)
Systemic Inflammation Changes the Site of RAGE Expression from Endothelial Cells to Neurons in Different Brain Areas
(Molecular Neurobiology, 2018)
Hongos macromicetos de pudrición café y su importancia biotecnológica
(Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA)Centro Agroindustrial, 2020)
A bump-hole strategy for increased stringency of cell-specific metabolic labeling of rna
(Corporación Universidad de la Costa, 2021)
Developed teamwork optimizer for model parameter estimation of the proton exchange membrane fuel cell
(Elsevier Ltd.United Kingdom, 2022)
Epigenetic mechanisms and posttranslational Modifications in systemic lupus erythematosus
(International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020)
Luminescence imaging and toxicity assessment of graphene quantum dots using in vitro models
(Taylor and Francis Ltd.United States, 2023)