Now showing items 1-10 of 529
Systematic mapping on social media and its relation to business
(Elsevier, 2018)
The aim of this study is to analyse the reach of existing investigation on social media and its relation to companies throughout 2014-2015. To achieve the proposed, the study proceeds in classifying such information and ...
Using small businesses for individual tax planning: evidence from special tax regimes in Chile
(Springer, 2018)
Many countries have special tax regimes (STRs) for small businesses. Even though
these regimes may reduce compliance costs, they increase the complexity of the tax
system and can be used by high-income individuals to ...
Gender diversity in the board, women’s leadership and business performance
(Gender in Management, 2018)
(Blackwell Publishing Inc., 2019)
© 2018 Western Economic Association International This paper introduces a model in which greater inequality reduces growth in economies with low levels of financial development but that this effect is attenuated in economies ...
Construcción de una metodología de evaluación de condiciones iniciales para la implementación de prácticas de Business IntelligenceEstado del arte del proyecto
(Corporación Universidad de la Costa, 2020)
La salida de los negocios en 47 países durante 2021
(Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2022-07-01)
La pandemia de Covid-19 llevó a que muchos empresarios salieran de su negocio, y es relevante estudiar su opinión acerca del efecto de la pandemia en su decisión de poner fin a su actividad. Este estudio evalúa las opiniones ...
Business intelligence governance framework in a university: universidad de la costa case study
(International Journal of Information Management, 2019)
R & D and productivity: the unfinished business
(Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 1998-12)
Recent work on the relationship of productivity growth to expenditures on R&D is discussed with special reference to ""unfinished business"": unsolved conceptual and econometric problems. The standard ""R&D as a capital"" ...
The Associativity: a local development strategy for Ocamonte (APCO) coffee growers in Santander, Colombia
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Palmira, 2017-10-01)
The market liberalization policy is forcing business sectors and localities to generate strategies aimed to improving the living conditions of entrepreneurs and at the same time, being competitive. The present study exhibits ...