Now showing items 1-10 of 2821
Analytical psychology in a changing world the search for self, identity and community
Big stories and small stories in the psychological relief work after the
earthquake disaster
Life and Death
The vygotskian project for a scientific psychology: Notes on “the historical meaning of the crisis in psychology”El proyecto vigotskiano para una psicología científica: apuntes sobre “el significado histórico de la crisis de la psicología”O projeto vigotskiano para uma psicologia científica: Anotações sobre “o significado histórico da crise da psicologia”
The present essay aims to present the unfolding of some of the main formulations on the method of psychology developed by Vygotsky in his manuscript “The historical meaning of the crisis in psychology”, concluded in 1927 ...
A Pragmatic Perspective of Measurement
(Springer, 2021)
This book aims to address the challenges of defining measurement in social sciences, presenting a conceptualization of the practice of measurement from the perspective of the pragmatic tradition in philosophy. The book ...
COVID-19: Psychological and Psychosocial Impact, Fear, and Passion
In December 2019, the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) emerged in Wuhan, Hubei Province of China.
Unlike common cold and flu, COVID-19 is much more contagious, and its spread rate is exponential. More than
8,999,659 ...