Now showing items 1-10 of 13
Evaluation of four vertical jump tests: methodology, reliability, validity, and accuracy (postprint)
Vertical jump performance tests can give considerably different results, even when different methods are used to analyze a single jump trial. To evaluate and compare four different methods commonly used to measure vertical ...
Evaluation of Four Vertical Jump Tests: Methodology, Reliability, Validity, and Accuracy
Vertical jump performance tests can give considerably different results, even when
different methods are used to analyze the same jump trial from the same subject. To
evaluate and compare 4 different methods commonly ...
Automatic recognition of the American sign language fingerspelling alphabet to assist people living with speech or hearing impairments
Sign languages are natural languages used mostly by deaf and hard of hearing people. Different development opportunities for people with these disabilities are limited because of communication problems. The advances in ...
Function Point Structure and Applicability: A Replicated Study
The complexity of providing accurate functional software size and effort prediction models is well known in the software industry. Function point analysis (FPA) is currently one of the most accepted software functional ...
Diagnóstico molecular de cromosomopatías fetales en Costa Rica
(Acta méd. costarric. Vol 51 (5), octubre-diciembre 2009 p.240-244, 2009-10)
Justificación y objetivos: En Costa Rica, el diagnóstico de anomalías cromosómicas fetales se
realiza solo mediante el análisis citogenético convencional de cromosomas obtenidos de cultivos
celulares. Además de que la ...
Can accurate data on birthweight be obtained from health interview surveys?
Background: Because hospital records rarely exist for a representative sample of the population in developing countries, researchers frequently rely on birthweight data from surveys. Yet, the quality of these data has ...
A high performance liquid chromatography method with electrochemical detection of gamma-aminobutyric acid, glutamate and glutamine in rat brain homogenates
Determination of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glutamate (Glu) and glutamine (Gln) in animal models has been important to understand the normal function and clinical aspects of some neurological diseases. Quantification of ...
Study of the design and analytical properties of the lethality neutralization assay used to estimate antivenom potency against Bothrops asper snake venom
The lethality neutralization assay performed in mice is the standard recommended by the World Health Organization to estimate antivenom potency. The interpretation of its results without considering its analytical capacity ...
Diseño y caracterización de un enfriador de átomos de tipo “desacelerador Zeeman”
Nosotros presentamos un método que utiliza simultáneamente dos modelos matemáticos, con el objetivo de optimizar el diseño de un desacelerador Zeeman, con miras a la implementación de átomos ultrafríos a la física del ...
El diagnóstico prenatal de trastornos genéticos
El diagnóstico prenatal de trastornos genéticos, es una de las aplicaciones clínicas de la genética más importantes en la actualidad. En los países desarrollados, se ha convertido en un eslabón fundamental de la atención ...