Now showing items 1-10 of 39
Detailed analysis of X chromosome inactivation in a 49,XXXXX pentasomy
(BioMed Central, 2015)
Chromosomal abnormalities in couples with recurrent first trimester abortions.
(Federação Brasileira das Sociedades de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, 2014)
Chromosomal abnormalities in patients with azoospermia in western Mexico
In order to assess the frequency of chromosomal abnormalities in azoospermic males from western Mexico, we carried out a retrospective study in 227 patients. Forty-three (18.9%) cases with an abnormal karyotype were found. ...
Chromosomal abnormalities in patients with azoospermia in western Mexico
In order to assess the frequency of chromosomal abnormalities in azoospermic males from western Mexico, we carried out a retrospective study in 227 patients. Forty-three (18.9%) cases with an abnormal karyotype were found. ...
Incidence of chromosomal abnormalities in bovine blastocysts derived from unsorted and sex-sorted spermatozoa
The aim of the present study was to examine the incidence of chromosomal abnormalities in bovine blastocysts produced by IVF with unsorted, X-sorted or Y-sorted spermatozoa. In Experiment 1, individual blastocysts were ...
Chromosomal abnormalities in patients with azoospermia in western Mexico
? In order to assess the frequency of chromosomal abnormalities in azoospermic males from western Mexico, we carried out a retrospective study in 227 patients. Forty-three (18.9%) cases with an abnormal karyotype were ...
Chromosomal abnormalities in patients with azoospermia in western Mexico
□ In order to assess the frequency of chromosomal abnormalities in azoospermic males from western Mexico, we carried out a retrospective study in 227 patients. Forty-three (18.9%) cases with an abnormal karyotype were ...
Chromosomal abnormalities in couples with recurrent first trimester abortions.
(Federação Brasileira das Sociedades de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, 2014)
OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência de alterações cromossômicas em casais com dois ou mais abortos recorrentes do
primeiro trimestre, sem causa definida. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídas 151 mulheres e 94 parceiros com história ...