Now showing items 1-10 of 2510
Puerto Rico and the United States Under the Cabotage Laws: A Breach to the World Trade Organizations Member Agreement?
(Centro de Investigaciones Comerciales e Iniciativas Académicas, 2016)
Regional trade agreements and the world trade organization
A Década de 1990 foi Marcada por uma Considerável Proliferação de Acordos Regionais de Comercio (Arcs). Esses Acordos, que em Princípio Teriam Caráter Excepcional no Sistema Multilateral de Comércio, Espalharam-Se por ...
The WTO's international multilateral trade system and its effects on the production and consumption of food
(Inst Brasileiro Relacoes Int, 2015-07-01)
Upon the WTO's 20th anniversary this paper evaluates how its free trade regime has impacted the way people grow and eat food. Further on, we describe how food sovereignty emerged as a counter proposal that aims to once ...
Trade facilitation in the mulitilateral framework of the World Trade Organization (WTO)
(ECLAC, 2001-06)
This article is a follow-up to the FAL Bulletin No. 167, in the sense that it considers developments in trade facilitation within WTO. Its focus, however, is exclusively on what has occured within WTO in this area. Emphasis ...
Trade and the environment in the context of the World Trade Organization
(ECLAC, 1998-01-05)
The Uruguay Round of trade talks sought to bring agriculture and textiles progressively under the ambit of international trade rules and regulations. It also sought to extend the coverage of international trade ...
United we stand and divided we fall: Coalitions in the GATT/WTO negotiations
(Sage Publications Ltd, 2020-08-06)
Coalition formation is considered an important tool to leverage bargaining power in GATT/WTO negotiations. While most of the literature has focused on developing countries, we show that sizable economies are the primary ...
Trade policy within the context of the World Trade Organization
This study looks at the main obligations arising from the World Trade Organization (WTO); and their repercussions on the design of trade policy. First of all, the study analyses the content of the world trade system and ...