Now showing items 1-10 of 242
Wireless Synchronization Preamble Detection Scheme Using Bispectra-Based Statistics in the Presence of Stationary Noise
(Facultad de Ingeniería, 2016)
The commodity-form in Cuba’s telecom and wireless services: a Marxist Political Economy overview
(Universidade Federal de Sergipe, 2018)
The Internet of Tall Buildings
(Universidad Autónoma del PerúPE, 2021-12)
As seen in the event at Surfside, Miami FL, the permanent surveillance of tall buildings might to require the conjunction of the telecommunications technologies that in a side are offering accuracy in various levels of ...
Wireless sensor network for forest fire detection
(Corporación Universidad de la Costa, 2021)
Development of a wireless communication system for a smart power socketDesenvolvimento do sistema de comunicação sem fio para uma tomada inteligente
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2019)
Received strength signal intensity performance analysis in wireless sensor network using Arduino platform and XBee wireless modules
(International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2018)
Secure Full-Duplex Wireless Power Transfer Systems with Energy-Information Correlation
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022-02)
We investigate the secrecy performance and energy-efficiency trade-offs associated to the secure communication between a full-duplex (FD) power beacon (PB) and an energy harvesting (EH) device, in the presence of an ...